You can make many plans, but the LORD's purpose will prevail.

Proverbs 19, 21 (Titel: Proverbs 16,9)

There are lines, they are coming in a flow like ink comes out of a ink pen. And there are lines for a text like this one. There is a situation or an experience whom I know, with that one something should be told (or written), but the flow just has stopped, it doesn't goes foward.

I sit there, thinking what the next words should be, how should I write this text.

And there is the big problem. I have to do something, I must do it.

But that's wrong! I'm just a tool.

A tool cannot do or plan anything by itself. It is the Master with his skilled hands and his well-thought-out plan who directs everything. The man makes his plans, but the LORD determines steps.

And the other thing on such difficult lines are, that in moste cases I didn't get yet a certain point and Jesus wants to work on that part of my heart.

He let me go round in a circle and keeps me in suspense as long as I need to understand his point.

For this specific case, I had to understand it's not me who have to do it all by my own, but I have to trust fully in HIM.

It's not me who does these wonderfully works. I can do beautiful thins, but only by the power of Jesus who lives in me, by the Holy Spirit who guides me (and on whom I should listen more often, yes I'm not perfect) and through the love of the Heavenly Father who gave me the breath of live and all my abilities.


Oh, the joys of those who trust the LORD, who have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols.

Psalm 40, 4


Many years I drove by car to my working place. Almost every day there habe been a traffic jam. I was so glad to leave highway just before traffic jam would completley paralyze traffic. I remember how sure I was, to never ever apply or accept an job for which I would have to drive through this traffic jam.


How limited my view have been. But for many years I have had this oppinion.

It was like a red flag. Never ever I wanted to go there.


And as it is often in life, it came very different.

After I have lost this my job, there haven't been many opportunities. One day, an job offer came in, but to go to this working place, I would have to drive through exaclty this traffic jam.

I was twisted; On one side there was a job offering which allowes me to escape from my unemployed situation, but on the other side I would have to do what I never wanted to do: Drive through this apparently unbreachable traffic jam.

Due to my misery situation, I didn't have had a choice as to accept the job. So I decided to take the train to go to my new working place.

After a while I thoght about it, to make the way by car.

To be as best prepared as I could, I observed for about two weeks via Google Maps traffic at my regular traveling time. I even set up an alarm clock, to take note for the traveling time for these very hours,


And then, the first day I went to work by car. I was so nervouse! Equipped with my coffee to go and the GPS on the dashboard, (almost) nothing could stop me.

But it came as it has to, traffic was slowing down and we stood in line. Exactly at the same point as always. I began to sweat and slided nervously in my driver seat. My fingers were drumming restlessly on the steering wheel and my lip already had marks from the teeth that were constantly biting it.



Let's make an step backward and take a look at the picture from a distance.

I always had the same perspective: An obstacle in front of me and I was obviously not able to overcome it. At my point of view it was that big, I couldn't see what's behind of it. That's why I only saw a too big obstacle. I didn't know if this one would disappear in a acceptable time or if this traffic jam would take longer. I only saw „traffic jam“ and that triggered an alarm.

„My thoughts are not like your thoughts,“ says the LORD. „And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.“

Isaiah 55, 8-9

Back to the car.

I was absolutely astonished to see the situation wasn't that dramatic as I imagined. After one pain point, traffic jam disappeard in a short time and the road was free to drive with an acceptable speed. It was even agreeable!



For I know the plans I have for you,“ says the LORD. „They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29, 11



This situation remembers me the „Tabaluga“ Movie, in which Greenland and Iceland have been seperated by a thick and dark cloud. Each one know about the existence of the other, but no one have seen with his own eyes the other side yet. Both have a very limited and negative view/imagination how it is on the other side. Until now, no one (or almost) was able to break through the cloud, go to the other side and making some experiences.


This situation showed me once more, how limited our picture is. But there is one who have the complete overview and that is the God.



And we know that God causes everithing to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Romans 8, 28